This post was published long ago, when I was a student and an amateur blogger. The links might be broken and content may not be useful anymore. Please read this content keeping its age in mind.
Here is an continuation of my last post WordPress Workshop -Part 1

I think I had written a lot in my last post on the day 1 of wordpress workshop. After self analysis of our performance with first batch me and Snehal decided to have some changes for the second batch. I had explained a lot of extras for the first batch and had to cut it down for the second batch. Also we decided that Snehal and Sanket will handle some portions. And to take some snaps of the workshop which we had missed out yesterday 🙂
We were in time at browsing center. We started uninstalling the wamserver installed by the previous batch candidates. Gudi sir set up the projector for us and he was going to be the photographer for us ! Sohel was missing since he went to attend the hacking Contest at K.L.E. Engineering College, Belgaum. Although we expected a lot of people today, there was no crowd outside. Everyone came one by one in time.
K.K.T. sir started with the introduction and later he went out since he had some work. The first part i.e introduction to websites, blogs, wordpress, hosting, domains etc was done by Snehal. She explained it slowly point by point, asking questions to participants to make the session interactive ( I had finished it just in 5 min yesterday!). As we had decided to tell the hosting & domain setup at end , I started with WampServer Installation. Unlike yesterday I did not make use of ppt for this. Everything was live ! The installation step seemed to be very easy to everyone( WordPress rocks !). Then Sanket took over to explain how to post on wordpress and how to create categories etc. I came back to explain wordpress themes, plugins and widgets.
The participants were more active compared to yesterdays batch. They were trying to create themes with wordpress theme generator and use it while i was explaining itself. Many had created beautiful designs in no time ! Same was the case with plugins. they googled and got new plugins. But Plugins seemed to be complicated for them due to the diversity in nature of usage from one plugin to plugin. They had a lot of questions to ask unlike yesterdays batch. Since it was afternoon time they seemed to be hungry and wanted to out fast !
I explained only basic stuff cutting a lot of information. Since Snehal and Sanket explain some portions my work was reduced. It was almost 3.30pm and decided to conclude. K.K.T had finished his work and had returned to workshop to conclude it ! Thus making the end of the movie WordPress Worksop – Part 2
We have plan about WordPress Workshop – Part 3 on Monday… Keep awaiting for my next post…
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