This post was published long ago, when I was a student & an amateur blogger. The links might be outdated and content may not be useful anymore. Please read this content keeping its age in mind.
My BuddyPress child theme series continuous after my first BuddyPress theme Gradient.
Safrron is an simple Buddypress theme. Saffron Buddypress themes makes your site cooler to the eyes of your visitors! Sharing Saffron theme with the community by releasing it with open source license. The theme is officially approved by WordPress and available for download at
Minimum Requirements :
- WordPress 2.92
Buddypress 1.2
(If the requirements are not met, you may get errors)
Installing the Theme:
Method 1:
- Login into your wordpress backend.
Go to Appearance -–> Add New Themes
Select Search by “Author” and type “sandeephegde”
Choose “Saffron” theme and click on Install
Activate the theme and you are done !
Method 2:
- Upload “Saffron” theme to your wp-content/themes/ directory
Login into your wordpress backend.
* Go to SiteAdmin –>Themes and Enable this theme
*Go to Appearance –> Themes –> Activate Saffron theme.
Customizing Header:
Once you have installed the Saffron theme you may require to change the default buddypress header. To change the header image follow this instructions:
- Download the theme
Edit header.png (included in theme) as per to your requirement.
Login to you wordpress backend
Go to Appearance –> Custom Header
Upload the header.png file. Also choose to “HIDE TEXT”
You are done !
For further customization of the theme you may need to digg into the css codes !
Download Theme Now !
Hi Sandeep, you have a wonderful site! Your work is quite impressive. I am using your Saffron theme, but the header is displaying blue like the default buddypress theme. Any ideas how I might correct it? Thanks so much. Vicki
Dear Vicki,
Thanks for using Saffron theme. I have supplied the header image with it, and you need upload it manually. Follow the follow steps :
– Download theme to your computer & extract
– In WordPress Backend –>Go to Appearance –> Custom Header
– Upload the header.png file(from theme folder). Also choose to “HIDE TEXT”
If you require further help, let me know.
i foun a theme for buddypresss, its great:
Great work…keep going
Hey Sandeep.. Love your theme.. I need help with one thing though.. The navigation on the right side in he header that says Groups Forum Sample Page… How do I change these? Where is the file.. been looking a while no luck.