This post was published long ago, when I was a student & an amateur blogger. The links might be outdated and content may not be useful anymore. Please read this content keeping its age in mind.
I recently signed up for an innovative rewards portal named as I really loved this site, and the concept behind the site. Before I signed up I have almost ensured that it is not yet another scam. Here I go with the details about Lockerz :
Lockerz is an invitation-only website created to connect members through commerce, content and social networking. Once invited, you’ll be able to watch exclusive video, buy great products, discover new music, play games, and connect with friends. You’ll be able to do this all in one place, AND you’ll get rewarded for just doing the things you love. When you watch a video, play a game, or even log in, you’ll earn Pointz (or “PTZ”) Lockerz own form of currency. Turn around and redeem your PTZ for incredible merchandise, unique experiences and exclusive deals and sales.
Lockerz has partnered with thousands of the best brands and stores. Lockerz is offering you the latest and greatest in every category – electronics, designer gear, stylish accessories, sports equipment, and more. Members will soon be able to purchase digital assets such as music, videos, art, and decals.
How it works
You can earn Lockerz points in three ways:
- Logging in each day.
Answering the question of the day.
Referring new members.
For example, in the four days only, I watched some 15 videos which yielded 2 points each. All this for a grand total of 30pts! What does this all mean? Well, I can already redeem many videos games such as GTA4, which is priced at 25pts!
Does Lockerz ship Internationally?
Yes. Keep in mind that you will be responsible for any incoming taxes or duties into your country if your country does not deem a free prize as a gift.
Is a legitimate website?
As a testament to the legitimacy of, its CEO, Kathy Savitt, used to be Vice President at and the CMO at American Eagle. major financial contributors is Liberty Media, which owns a major part of Time Warner, which is the firm that supports and QVC.
Currently, Lockerz is in beta and access is invitation only.
To get an invite:
1) Please subscribe to my blog!
I only get a certain number of invites per day, and want to focus on rewarding my loyal readers.
2) Follow me on
3) Please send me an twit @sandeephegde. I’ll make sure to double check with my email subscription list to insure that you’ve subscribed to my blog.
IMPORTANT: If you submitted your email on the Official website, you need to enter in a different email address here. Why? Because Lockerz will not let people invite you on the email you submitted to them.
IMPORTANT: Please check your Spam/Junk Folder because sometimes the Lockerz Invite is mistakenly put there.
As I have said Before I signed up I have almost ensured that it is not yet another scam. I believe this system will workout of many of you too. Let me know your views/comments on
No scam, Just received my t-shirt for being z-listers.
Hope I will also get one some day 🙂
me too , i on lockerz since 3 months but unable to be a z lister .