This post was published long ago, when I was a student and an amateur blogger. The links might be outdated and content may not be useful anymore. Please read this content keeping its age in mind.
Happy New Year to everyone. Have a great, fortune filled New Year !
[ Photo Credit : lovegrafik ]
Every New Year almost everyone makes a resolution. Whether he or she sticks to it or not, is a different thing. But most resolutions are broken in just a few days or months. Since we’re getting to that time of year when everyone starts to think about the New Year and reflect upon the changes they would like to make in their lives, I’ll confess to you my New Year’s resolution.
New site !
This is my first resolution, which is to be completed on the 1st day of the new year. I think I’m done with it by opening up this site on 1st January 2010. This personal site is a collection of my life stream, blog posts, photo’s and more…. Checkout this cool video which says all about it :
Browse around to see my stuff and do not forget to subscribe to my feeds.
Blog Regularly
I’m 100% confident of achieving this at least. I have been blogging regularly on since a year, and blogging has almost become my passion. But still it takes some time to write genuine content (its really easy to copy paste ! ) As of now I plan to make at least one post every week may it be personal, technology, or anything comes to my mind. I’m just going unleash my thoughts. Be updated by subscribing to my feeds.
Get out of computer addiction
I spent WAY too much time in front of my computer — an unhealthy amount of time actually. So this year I’m resolving to break the psychological shackles of 24-7 access to technology… Anyone else facing a similar conundrum? Any words of advice? Leave ‘em in the comments please – I need help!
Differentiate work and personal life
My family and friends complain about it all the time. I have been spending holidays for work, instead of going home. I think I have realized I need to go home some times at least ! This may not be possible immediately since I have to manage study and work load simultaneously. With the due course of time(may be second half of this year) I aim to reclaim my (non screen – non business) life.
Health Care
This is the most neglected thing in my life. Yet I rarely fall ill. I really don’t know the secret my health. I don’t wont to take risk by letting it just like that, especially after extracting one of my tooth few months ago. (It was supposed to be extracted from past 3 years, I neglected since it was not giving any pain) Here after I’m going to get up early morning and go for an walk. Will try to eat only healthy foods( Its really hard !) I think this should be more than enough to start with 🙂
Better Time & Task Management
Sometime I do feel that 24 hours a day is very less. Life has been almost hectic all the time. Imagine I have built this site while my semester exams are going on ! I have been good at both time and task management , but still there is lot more to improvise. I’m already using sticky paper notes, reminders on mobile etc. I’m going to split up all my activities, assigning some time and some priority to each. I’m also trying out find better ways, like to do lists, mind map tools, use of project management tool etc. Please provide your suggestions through comments.
I think these resolutions( if implemented !) will make a lot of changes in my life. Now am curious if you have any healthy resolutions for 2010, so speak up and share them in the comments section below. No resolution is too big or too small to share. I want to hear them all.
My resolution – Be more jovial than ever!!! 🙂
Happy new year to you too. Don't really come to this section much because half of the questions are “Can you choose a racket for me?”. I'll try to come here more though.