This post was published long ago, when I was a student and an amateur blogger. The links might be outdated and content may not be useful anymore. Please read this content keeping its age in mind.
If you haven’t heard of Google Wave yet — a) wake up! and b) Read this Post. And with that said, the goodies: is giving away Google Wave invites. I’m going to start giving away invites whenever I have them to give away and today, to get the ball rolling, I’ve got 20 up for grabs! If things heat up, I’ll scrounge under the couch cushions until we find more!
Wave is just starting to pick up steam, with more gadgets and gizmos and robots appearing every day. With reports of Google Wave server federation (the ability for anyone to run a Wave server) coming soon, and the sandbox walls being torn down, now’s your chance to get in on the action.
p align=”justify”>‘But what can I do with a Wave invite?’
Here’s a quick run-down of why you should care about Google Wave — and why you should enter this giveaway.
Impress everyone at work — Yes, imagine the faces of your coworkers as they glance over your shoulder and see you using Google Wave!
Secure your Wave address — I don’t know if our Wave account will ultimately be tied into a Google Account, or if we’ll keep these addresses. But if the latter’s the case, you’re going to want to register your name sooner, rather than later.
Developers can get developing — If you have an idea of a gadget that would work well with Wave, or some kind of robot that hooks into another external service, now would be the time to work on it, ready for public release.
Prepare yourself for the Wave revolution — this is the reason I’m using it. When Google finally opens the floodgates, I want to be one step ahead of everyone else. I want to be the master of the Blip, while you are struggling with your first Reply. I want to know all of the keyboard shortcuts so that I can leave my other Conversation partners in the dust!
So… do yourself a favor and take part in this giveaway! It’s very easy — just leave a comment below. I’ll throw everyone’s name into a box within a few days, and announce the winners soon after. Full terms follow [Updated on 1/10/2009 10.30am]
To enter, leave a comment below. (Preferably with a brief description why do you think you are a right person for Google Wave Invitation)
You may enter only once.
- You should be subscribed to Click to Subscribe now !
- Blogging, Twitting and Spreading a word about this blog will provide extra weightage.
Winners will be selected in a random drawing.
Prize: A Google Wave invite.
I’d love to have it!!
Hi, I would love to have this account for myself, do invite me if you have a chance. thanks,harinath
I’d like an invitation as well, if any left… Thank you
Hi Gautam here. I want to use google wave so that i can explore the ways in which it can help collaborate with my colleagues 🙂
I would love to use it, to game and work on projects with my friends.
couple of friends have it and i feel lonely being left out 🙁
Right now I’m doing a games design project at uni, with 13 other students. We had a visiting lecturer recommend Google Wave to us. Apparently it makes games design documents MUCH easier. If two of us get invites, I reckon we can invite the whole group next time Google gives out invites.
me too would love to have one..
Why am I the right person for an invite? Honestly? It’s because I’m feeling left out 🙁 I would love one please
I want an invite so I can rub it in my friend’s faces. That would be cool. 🙂
I use most of google’s products on a daily basis (docs, tasks, voice, bookmarks, groups, latitude, reader) and i think this would not only be an awesome tool, but something very functional for a power user like myself who uses Google products on my blackberry, PC & Android device.
Thanks in advance! 🙂
a bunch of people i follow on twitter are singing google wave’s praises, and i’d love to be part of that!
I want to be among the first people to be a part of the next internet revolution, which is building up its reputation of being the best.
i would love to join dude plz do send me an invite too!! it wud be grateful!! 🙂
I can not believe myself i registered to pingsense just top get a Google Wave account!
But this is just the start.
So please please please include me in the list!!
hi sandeep
i am also looking for an wave invitaion to develop some cool apps and other file sharing stuffs on the wave platform
plz send me an invitation ASAP
thanks in advance
How nice!!!!
I was looking for getting an invite for it before but I was lucky enougth to read your post on Linkedin!
Please send me one!
Best regards.
Would love one please! I’ve tried so much to get one and it would help me so much with a current project I’m doing.
Many thanks!
im a faithful user of google (im using chrome right now) If i get wave I’ll use it to hype up all my friends. I’ve already told 4 of my friends to sign up and respond to your blog!
Hi, do invite me if you have google wave invites with u.
I love to win because i love all the stuff google makes i have google chrome and i use gmail google cal, docs pages, ect.. when their os is released i will get that too.
Long time ago I watched the preview and since that day I felt in love with WAVE. It’s amazing, unique on earth and a revolution as you said. If you have one please give me the opportunity! Let’s create a better world.. share one 🙂
I’m super keen on getting a wave invite. I saw the youtube video a few months ago, from the developers and have hated standard email ever since.
Hi, I would like to have the WAVE account for myself, please invite me if you have a chance.
I really want a wave invite too
I would love to get an WAVE invite.
Thanks in advance
Hello! I’ve been thinking about getting a twitter feed for a while, and now I’ve just used this giveaway as an excuse to sign up. My first tweet is a shout out to this blog. Once I’m being followed by thousands, or more likely, MILLIONS of people, that will be useful to you.
As a collaborative musician I can’t wait to get my hands on a wave account. It’ll be useful for scheduling, brainstorming, you name it. I’m also an amateur web designer and would love to start digging into that API.
PS, my twitter account name is rickviola
I want an invite. Thanks.
I’m sending out 5 invites for this week. The winners are :
1. gautampai
2. ninjachicken
3. mga
4. rickviola
5. sameerchebbi
I request the winners to send thier email address to sandeephegde88[at]gmail[dot]com
Note : Although I add your email address to invitee list, Google may take its own time to actually send invitation. Google says
“Invitations will not be sent immediately. We have a lot of stamps to lick.”
Happy waving!
i need google wave…. give me plz……..
I would love to take part in the Wave revolution! Besides happy waving I want to catch up with its API to better understand when to put it for good use, with both performance and security concerned limits.
Thank you for this opportunity and for calling our attention to keep Google Wave on the spot light!
I’ve heard so much about this and am eager to be a part as I’m an Industry Advisor to graduating students WHO MAJOR IN MARKETING. How better to equip them for the future than to show them first hand.
Firm believer in Google EVERYTHING. This is an exciting time for GOOGLE.
Andrea Costa
Looking forward to checking out Google Wave and applying it towards company branding and general fun!
I’ve shared this with my Facebook and LinkedIn communities, bookmarked this page with Google, and submitted it to StumbleUpon.
I’d love to play with Google Wave! Cheers,
Sent away invitations to 6 more people :
your blog seems to be all praise for wave…..would like to try it too..
hi frnds…. i would luv to hav google wave invite…plz send me asap…thankx in advance
Sent away 8 more invitations through my another account :