This post was published long ago, when I was a student & an amateur blogger. The links might be outdated and content may not be useful anymore. Please read this content keeping its age in mind.
I just found a interesting facebook trick over the internet and sharing the same with you. This trick helps you to play pranks with your facebook friends just by updating your status. All that matters is a link, which make people fool 🙂
Post your Status with this link :
Just try it out Yourself. Whenever a person is Logged into his facebook account, when this link is accessed, this will redirect the person to his Own Profile Page.
So you could add your Status Message like this ,
“I just love this person so much.″
Upon reading the status message your friends will be obviously curious to know who that person is ! Some times they don’t even realize they have been fooled and start asking questions 🙂
Note :
- While sharing the link on your wall, don’t forget to remove the Thumbnail linked with it.
- Post the status with a plain text and the link.
I have personally tried out this trick and simply love it. Hope you people will also have fun with this trick . Share your Comments
Credits : Siddharth Raman
From time to time you will get a suggestion by a friend that will show up on your friend request area. But the suggestions that show you like 20 people are basically friends of friends that facebook has suggested so the idea is that you know people that are friends of your friends and that makes it easier because you don’t have to search for them.
I am trying to delete someone from my facebook friends list but dont want tht person to know tht i deleted him/her. need to do it urgently. will they get to know thru notificiations that come on top corner of the page?
I am trying to delete someone from my facebook friends list but dont want tht person to know tht i deleted him/her. need to do it urgently. will they get to know thru notificiations that come on top corner of the page?